Are you guilty of these photo faux pas??
Are you ready for a pop quiz?
I want to know if you are guilty of these common photo faux pas…
Think about your profile picture or your professional photo and answer these questions:
- Is your most recent photo more than 4 years old?
- Is this photo taken in your car?
- Are you afraid to post an updated photo because you’ve gained weight?
- Have you cropped other people out?
- Are you wearing sunglasses and/or a hat? (or ewwww… a MASK??!)
- Are you making a weird expression (duck face, kissing face, tongue out)?
- Is your photo low quality or pixelated?
- Is your photo OVER-retouched or OVER-filtered?
- Did you use a photo of your pet instead of you?
- Is this photo a selfie?
If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, then we need to have a chat.
Look, I know it’s easy to use that snapshot from New Years Eve 2007 when you thought you looked really hot so you just cropped the other party-goers out of the photo.
I know you thought you looked cute sitting in your car one morning, so you took a selfie and that’s what you’re using for your profile photo.
And believe me, I understand it’s easier to post a photo of your cat than to put yourself out there.
But as a professional, it’s essential that you show up and shine in your photos. Your photos will give your future clients an idea of what it’s like to work with you. Your photos will inform your tribe of what they’ll feel like when they say “yes” to YOU.
If any of this resonates with you, I would love to connect and learn more about how I can help you look amazing on camera.
And for those of you who answered “yes” to Question #3, you’re NOT alone. This is the most common objection I get when people don’t want to get in front of the camera. If you’re feeling heavier than you would like, that’s ok!! I am good for taking 20 pounds off with posing alone. I’ve got you, I’ll take good care of you.
Are you ready to update your professional image? Let’s talk!