San Diego Real Estate branding photos: North County Living Group

This real estate team is made up of three people who love living in North County, San Diego. Husband and wife Tracie and Ryan moved from Redondo Beach to Fallbrook, as they were seeking more land and were attracted to the lifestyle of North County. This move was prompted by the addition of their kids. They had a desire to give them a childhood with land to play on and an understanding of how their food was grown, which led them to buy a house on an avocado farm, next to Lizzie’s family home.

After being away from home for many years, Lizzie moved back to North County because she and her husband valued the lifestyle that North County can provide to their family. As an adult, Lizzie has a new-found appreciation for what she grew up with. 

We started our photoshoot at Lizzie’s family’s home, on an old avocado orchard nestled in the mountains of Fallbrook. This property has stunning views of the valley and lots of orchards to wander. 

We moved on the beautifully styled Space One Ten in Fallbrook, to create photos of them inside, working as a team. 

Ryan is an avid surfer + beach-goer, so we grabbed their van and took it with us to the beach, but not before stopping by one of my favorite breweries in Oceanside, South O Brewing, to have a few of their Mexican Lagers. 

Through this mix of photos, we are attempting to show that North County San Diego is one of the best places to live, especially for people raising kids and enjoying nature. 

About Marcy

Hello, I'm Marcy Browe! I specialize in personal branding photos for business owners in Southern California. I'd love to know more about you.. let's connect and create some magic together!

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