Personal brand photos for spiritual medium Deb Sheppard

As a spiritual teacher, medium and author, Deb Sheppard will help you receive guidance, peace and clarity by connecting you with your loved ones, spirit and your highest self.

I worked with Deb’s marketing lead Emily Manning, to create updated photos for Deb, which conveyed her wisdom, connection to spirit and also showcasing her fun side – because Deb is a hoot! She had me laughing the whole day we were together, from telling her “Dad jokes” to cracking me up with well-timed zingers, I fell in love with Deb almost instantly. 

The photos of Deb were taken in San Diego’s Balboa Park and surrounding areas, and we used elements of bridges and gates to suggest Deb’s guidance and ability to speak to those who have crossed over.

About Marcy

Hello, I'm Marcy Browe! I specialize in personal branding photos for business owners in Southern California. I'd love to know more about you.. let's connect and create some magic together!

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