San Diego Branding photos for Coach Annie Delre

To know Annie is to fall in love with her infectious spirit. When she reached out to me, to create brand photos to support her coaching business and online course, I did a happy dance because I knew this was going to be a really fun photoshoot!  Annie is marketing to a very specific demographic:…

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San Diego Branding photos for Samantha Hartley

To put it simply, Samantha is a powerhouse with heart. She describes her core archetypes as Queen, Teacher, Hermit, and Warrior. Love that combo!  She is a business growth advisor to consultants, helping them earn more money consulting with corporate clients.  Coming from a leadership role in Coca-Cola, Samantha knows full well the layered and…

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A human wrote this blog post

It’s me, hi. I’m the human, it’s me.  This is a message from a real, live human, typing on her keyboard inside her home office sipping a coffee with steamed cashew milk.  Hey there! Marcy here … and I’m just popping in to say hello. Human to human. By now you’ve probably read or seen…

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San Diego Branding photos for Dr. Sherry Price

Branding photos for Dr.Sherry Price

EpicYOU is Dr. Sherry Price’s membership program for women who want to up-level their mental, emotional, and physical health.  This is a community which enables women to discover how to lose weight in midlife and beyond, improve relationships, have more energy. To goal is to clear mental and emotional baggage so you can live your…

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 “But I don’t want to be the face of my brand”

“But I don’t want to be the face of my brand”

I see you. You’re ready to launch something big. You’re ready to put something meaningful and important into the world. You’ve been working hard behind the scenes to create or re-vamp an offering that you’re so excited to share!!  But …. Then you start to contract. You start to doubt yourself. You are nervous, because…

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That’s what she said

That’s what she said

Picture this: you’ve said “yes” to a branding photoshoot. You’re a little excited, but mostly nervous because you have to be in front of a camera. You now have to find the perfect outfits. You want to make sure you’re having a good hair day when the camera is on you.  All of this preparation…

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