Personal Branding Photos for Temecula Financial Advisor team

I have so many fun and warm memories from my time with this team from Edwards Jones in Temecula, led by Mason Mortimer.  When I first spoke with Mason about creating updated photos for himself and his office manager, Amber, it was very clear that they wanted to represent their lifestyle and the vibe that…

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Personal Branding photos for Creative Vortex

Bridget is the owner and creative director at Creative Vortex, a marketing and design firm specializing in working with nonprofits. When Bridget and I first met to talk about her evolving brand, she told me that she wanted her photos to represent the work she does as a Fractional Chief Creative Officer. When we worked…

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Meet my 4,000th face!

Meet RaeAnn, the owner of Stout Bookkeeping … she is the 4,000th face I’ve photographed!!  When I started promoting my 4,000th face campaign I was anticipating who was going to land in this coveted spot — and I am so excited that this lovely women, RaeAnn, is the one I get to celebrate!!!! RaeAnn moved to North…

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The hidden costs of brand photography

I like when information is straight-forward, uncomplicated, and upfront. Just give it to me straight, no chaser, thank you very much. That’s why I offer an all-inclusive, “no hidden costs” brand photoshoot package.  While this package is an initial investment up front, in my opinion, you GET a lot more bang for your buck with…

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BOMA San Diego Board of Directors

The San Diego Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA San Diego) is the largest local professional association devoted exclusively to the commercial real estate industry. We took these photos of the 2024 Board of Directors and Committee members, at one of their Member’s gorgeous buildings in downtown San Diego. If you’re going to represent commercial…

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Branding photos for gemologist

Branding photos for gemologist

McKenzie Santimer has spent most of her career as a gemologist and museum curator for the GIA (Gemological Institute of America), THE institution that came up with the “4 C’s” (us diamond lovers know what this means!)  Recently she left her 20 year career at GIA and began her entrepreneurial journey, offering her service as…

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 San Diego Branding Photos for Jamie Jacobs

Jamie Jacobs, the co-founder of Gig Talent, is a visionary thinker with a strong background in transformative HR, organizational development, and leadership guidance. Jamie and I worked together to create a set of updated, sophisticated-but-fun photos for her personal brand. We strategically planned this photoshoot when her kids were home from college and her husband’s…

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Personal brand photos for spiritual medium Deb Sheppard

As a spiritual teacher, medium and author, Deb Sheppard will help you receive guidance, peace and clarity by connecting you with your loved ones, spirit and your highest self. I worked with Deb’s marketing lead Emily Manning, to create updated photos for Deb, which conveyed her wisdom, connection to spirit and also showcasing her fun…

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Branding photos for Alaray Creative, in San Diego

Allison, the founder of Alaray Creative, lives in Tennessee but works extensively with Life Science and Biotech companies in San Diego. Her lead designer, Korte, lives in San Diego so they booked a photoshoot with me, while they were together in San Diego.  They just unveiled their new brand – Particle 31!! I knew I…

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Brand photos for San Diego wardrobe stylist, Cynthia Kennedy

CYNTHIA’S BRAND WORDS Personable, Energetic, Quality, Tailored Service, Confidence, Premium Experience Cynthia Kennedy is taking her long-time passion for personal fashion styling to the next level. She is launching a brand new website and rolling out her suite of services to women of all ages and backgrounds, who want to feel confident in their skin.  …

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Branding photos for Coach Annie Delre

To know Annie is to fall in love with her infectious spirit. When she reached out to me, to create brand photos to support her coaching business and online course, I did a happy dance because I knew this was going to be a really fun photoshoot!  Annie is marketing to a very specific demographic:…

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San Diego Branding photos for Samantha Hartley

To put it simply, Samantha is a powerhouse with heart. She describes her core archetypes as Queen, Teacher, Hermit, and Warrior. Love that combo!  She is a business growth advisor to consultants, helping them earn more money consulting with corporate clients.  Coming from a leadership role in Coca-Cola, Samantha knows full well the layered and…

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Employer Branding Photos for the City of Carlsbad

In case you’ve missed what all the cool kids already know: Carlsbad, California is an incredible place to live and work. That is exactly the purpose of those photos I took on behalf of Innovate 78 for the City of Carlsbad. Take a visit with me to these Carlsbad businesses who make North County San…

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A human wrote this blog post

It’s me, hi. I’m the human, it’s me.  This is a message from a real, live human, typing on her keyboard inside her home office sipping a coffee with steamed cashew milk.  Hey there! Marcy here … and I’m just popping in to say hello. Human to human. By now you’ve probably read or seen…

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San Diego Branding photos for Dr. Sherry Price

Branding photos for Dr.Sherry Price

EpicYOU is Dr. Sherry Price’s membership program for women who want to up-level their mental, emotional, and physical health.  This is a community which enables women to discover how to lose weight in midlife and beyond, improve relationships, have more energy. To goal is to clear mental and emotional baggage so you can live your…

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San Diego Brand Photos for Holistic Therapist

San Diego Brand Photos for Rashida Black - Holistic therapist and clinical social worker

BRAND WORDS:  Self compassion. Heart centered. Energized. Comfortable. Empowered. Held. Nourished. Accepting. Intuitive. Empathic. Secret keeper. As the founder of Khemura Wellness, the core of Rashida’s therapy offering is self-compassion. She wants her clients to feel seen and heard and understood.  What Rashida offers is a marriage of spirituality and formal therapy training. By bringing…

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Branding photos for Arelene Murray, Realtor

Branding photos for Arelene Murray, Realtor

BRAND WORDS: Trustworthy, knowledgeable, experienced, fun, warm, real, human, family. Arlene is a realtor located in central Florida, we did these brand photos for her when she was visiting her sister who lives in Carlsbad (the amazing Dr. Yvonne Scarlett!).  When I met with Arlene to plan for her photoshoot, we both agreed that photos…

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Will YOU be my 4,000th face??

Will YOU be my 4,000th face??

In my 10 years as a professional photographer, I’ve photographed almost 4,000 people. As of today, I’ve photographed 3,938 people, to be exact.  Very soon, I will photograph my 4,000th face … will it be YOU?? I’ve got something very special planned for the 4,000th person.  If YOU book a photoshoot with me and you…

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San Diego Branding Photos for Marla Borger

Branding photos for Marla Borger

Marla Borger is a business and transition coach, who helps small businesses run their businesses.  Career path has taken Marla into a variety of roles. Including corporate, biotech, finance, and even to a retail consignment shop.  Marla’s variety of backgrounds helps her connect with and coach her clients through transitions all the way through setting…

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Branding photos for Kay Trotman

Branding photos for Kay Trotman

Known to all of her friends as “Safari Kay” this woman never ceases to amaze me.  After photographing her a few times and getting to know her, Kay has become a friend and an inspiration as an entrepreneur. After a career in corporate, Kay retired and pursued her dream of being a travel expert for…

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