team headshots and branding and website and marketing photos, oceanside photographer Marcy Browe, personal branding photos in orange county ca

Corporate headshots for California PR firm

Corporate headshots for California PR firm

I set up my studio at the Orange County office of the Health + Commerce PR firm, during a day when the entire team was gathering from all across California. Each person went through several poses, that fit their personality. And in the end we chose a favorite headshot for each person to create a unified and fun look for the whole team.

And a team photo too – because it’s rare that this team is in the same room at the same time, perfect opportunity to capture the team!

About Marcy

Hello, I'm Marcy Browe! I specialize in personal branding photos for business owners in Southern California. I'd love to know more about you.. let's connect and create some magic together!


  1. cutoutstudiouk on March 12, 2020 at 5:48 pm

    Great post. i like it. feeling great when reading your post .

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