personal branding portraits | family and newborn photographer
The beautiful smile in these photos belongs to my friend and fellow photographer, Cheryl Polk, a newborn and family photographer based in San Diego.
When I asked Cheryl to step in front of my camera she was open and willing to be my subject. You see, as photographers we don’t often get to be the subject of the photos. Often, we feel more comfortable being behind the lens and managing the look of the shoot instead of being the subject of the camera’s attention.
Cheryl is a wife, a mom to two young children, and a business owner. She has a gift for capturing newborn babies that are only a few days old. The final photos look so beautiful and serene and breathtaking, but capturing a newborn on camera takes a special skill (and a lot of props!!) Check out Cheryl’s beautiful work at cherylpolkphotography.com
Oh Cheryl….this is Helen Horne from Gloucester, VA….these pics are so beautiful and you are a beauty….so many years…17 to be exact….time has flown! Marcy is a wonderful photographer…this is lovely.
Helen – you’re so sweet. Yes Cheryl is so beautiful and I’m so happy that you reconnected online 🙂